The best tradition that sticks out in my mind is how we always went to look at Christmas lights as a family (before my parents divorced). People's homes morphed from ho-hum to magical displays. Some houses had mechanical or robotic "moving" Santas, reindeer, and the like. There was often even live Christmas music! These beautiful, fantasy scenes always left me wide-eyed, awed and excited for the big day.
Now, I am a married mom to two wide-eyed sons. I haven't opened a gift on Christmas Eve since 2004. However, I have continued stuffing stockings, looking at C-mas lights and making festive food. One year my hubby and I made a Nativity scene out of clay. (See picture below)
Along with the old customs remaining, I have added and will continue to add new ones.
Presently, I bake Christmas cookies (I always try a new recipe), decorate them, eat them and also share them with neighbors. Also, I buy a new ornament every year. Since both of my sons were born, I have purchased ornaments for them. I also like to make fancy, paper snowflakes.
This year is full of firsts: A ginger bread house, creating pretend stained-glass ornaments, a Santa Advent calendar, A made-of-glue Snowman ornament, answering hard questions about Santa and Jesus, teaching my children that December is the 12th month and all about its secular as well as religious customs, and making C-mas crafts using your hand or foot! (Reindeer and Santas are too cute this way, believe me)!
Here are some samples:
I will gladly share how to do any of these activities if you are interested.
I appreciate these new traditions and keeping the old. I realize that my inner kid gets to shine.
Please share your traditions and fun activities with me.
Please share your traditions and fun activities with me.
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