Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Don't ignore the road signs...They just might save you.

I don't know what it is about summer, but it seems like that is the time when the construction workers are most active. Seems every contractor received the go ahead to destroy and rebuild every street here where I live. Being an optimist, I look forward to the fresh paved roads that are kinder to my tires. But I admit I find myself annoyed at all of the detours and road signs. It is just SUCH a hideous orange! Although, hubby thinks it would be great to own an ugly orange cone...okay I could see the interest.

 So the Lord has called me to be a leader. The coordinator for a MOPS group nearby. I've never envisioned myself a leader/coordinator even though a few people...mostly strangers have encouraged me or said I am good at it. Honestly? I basically ignored them. 

In my experience, God says do it and I say okay, but then I began to doubt if this vision is going to ever happen in my lifetime. Not because God isn't powerful or capable, but because again, as I said in my last post, I fear success. I also fear failure. I know there is irony in there somewhere.

AND that is where the ugly orange cones come in...
If you've been following the Lord and listening to Him then I don't have to explain when I tell you that He will give you road signs (tools, strategies and answers that are always surprising).

I don't feel adequate to lead and here is what He literally placed in my life to show me that He's guiding me, teaching me, and providing for me:

            1) A book from Lisa-Jo's blog, that she recommended from her reading list that is about leading called, Tribes by Seth Godin

2) Three "free" Christian lessons about improving your leadership skills, etc. from

3) My current bible study, by Judith Couchman called, Designing A Woman's Life.  
It is all about finding your calling and then embracing this gift from God and following the visions He gives you within this calling. (Which I am finding for me involves leading).

4) I am surrounded by women who have led the MOPS before and one of them is going to assist me this year. My own leadership team will be learning with me as we discover how to lead in our positions.

5)My hubby. Yes, this sweet man is a detailed-oriented individual who is the most reliable and organized person I know. He will be a HUGE resource for me....can't wait to see how God will use him.

6) Last, but not least, God's word. THE BEST defensive weapon I've got for those twin pests called, doubt and fear. The greatest way to fight those cripplers is with His truth.
(Here's a good one,"With man this is impossible, but not with God; All things are possible with God." Mark 10:27 NIV

What an amazing God we serve. I can't do this myself, but I can do it with the Lord. I am more than excited and nervous for this journey as it unfolds. Please pray for me.

Would LOVE to hear if you have found your purpose and what kinds of visions God has given you.


  1. It is so great to see you discovering the beautiful truths that are your talents. It seems that God is absolutely equipping you for this calling, and thank you for listening to Him in this time of encouragement! You rock, lady!

  2. Just yesterday I led my daughter's Bible study and we explored the idea of our "God-sized dreams." Love how you are seeking to discover all He's dreaming for you! Blessings from Iowa today.

  3. good for you!! the excitement in your sentences is contagious!! good luck with MOPS!!


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