Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I have a bunch of disconnected fruit in my fridge. They were all picked off their bush or tree where they once enjoyed the company of similar fruit friends.

As I relish in their sweetness, mouthful after mouthful, I don't feel guilty that they will no longer exist after my family and I have devoured them. Thank goodness fruit doesn't have feelings!

But...I do.
I am fully stocked with feelings, thoughts, ideas, well you get the picture.

I need to be connected...daily. I am not numb when plucked away from others (even if by choices for jobs, etc.).

I have many long distant relationships now and it amazes me at how hard it is to stay connected to those whom I hold dear.

Anyone else wish they had their own jet plane?

I miss my best friend. I miss my brother. I miss my friends in Ft. Collins. I try to write, text, email, call, and do Facebook, but it just isn't the same as seeing them regularly face to face.

ONE week without communication with them makes me feel more distant from them. It is like leading a double life where I am one way when they are in it and another when they are not.

I possess another relationship which needs consistent contact and that changes me whether I am in it or not:
My relationship with God.

If I spend even a few days without Him, I encounter a lack of peace, emptiness, and that gnawing sense that something is missing. I am grumpier, more impatient, more insecure, even hopeless at times.

I just don't function correctly without staying connected to the ONLY source that brings me true satisfaction...sustaining, lasting peace.

John 15:7 (NLT) says, "Remain in me and I will remain in you..." and John 14:27 (NLT) says,"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives..."

The more I know Him, the more I feel amalgamated to Him. I experience His peace more often.

I am just restless by nature. My heart won't sit still.
I yearn for others to know how important they are to me.
BUT...Our busy lives get in the way!

Thank goodness the Lord is always available. I don't have to work around His schedule. Too bad He gets misplaced by mine.

So to those present relationships (and you know who you are), I miss you. My heart aches when I haven't been around you, talked with you or shared my life with you.


  1. It's hard to leave people and places you love and the transition to the new life can be so unsettling and painful. It is so reassuring (especially in those time)that the Lord is always near, ready to "remain" in us and give us His peace. Thanks for a good reminder to "remain in" Him.

  2. The kids and I talked about being attached to the Vine this past week ... the same great picture of being connected. I enjoyed seeing you this week. Thanks for coming to visit! :)


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