Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days to Grace (Day 19): Five Minute Friday: Look

Five Minutes to write from one inspiring word: Look  

If you look for the bad, it will cozy right up next to you and point itself out so clearly. It just isn't hard to see.
If given the chance, it rips, tears and shoves any goodness so your focus shifts from hope to discouragement.

This is where you must listen and look hard if you have to because the good is always present. God is always present. Sometimes the only remedy is the greatest offensive weapon: His word.  

Last night, my mind drifted to all that I forgot or didn't say. Then, another lie slithered into my mind to remind me of snide remarks and pessimistic words. All of it wanting to imprison me as minutes of needed sleep passed by.

Then, I simply said, "No!" and my mind saw the woman, a new friend who smiled and showed me respect as I made announcements to other moms just like us. 
 And more grace came. An encouraging word from another mom.

I am over a minute so my concluding thought is this...There is always grace and God's goodness if we really look.   

Where have you seen God's goodness when you chose to look?


  1. That is always the struggle - looking for God's goodness and grace in the hardest times.

  2. To be sure there are reams and reams of answers to that question on my blog. And you're right - as we grasp to reminded of God's goodness, He allows our hearts to soften just enough so that we can catch sight of His grace in our lives. He is so awesome! :)
    Thanks for this post. I'm happy to have met you today!


Share your thoughts with me. I would love to hear from you.

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