It is Day 27 right? The days are meshing together and this writing 31 days straight is not only a challenge, but it is making me tired. Whew!
Well, hang in there, right? I mean after today, only four more days. This is what I am telling myself. Really I am grateful for being able to write here for 31 days, but I would be lying if I didn't say sometimes it has been a pain.
So here is what God gave me today:
John 15:5
New International Version (NIV)
Oh, the beautiful symbol of grace this is...I can't write without Him. And when I am tired from striving and doing life on my own or when I am just tired from life, the Lord Jesus assures me that I must remain in Him and if I do I will bear fruit.
We can do no thing without Him. It is his grace that allows us to take our next breath. He sustains us even when we are not aware of it.
And I've never thought of his grace like that until now. Maybe that is the point of this go deeper with God and understand grace on a whole new level. I smile because it is true.
And now, I am going to relish these last five days.
I've been writing a series this month as well and yes, it has been exhausting! I have cheated a few times, I'll admit, and combined a few days together. But life happens right?